Every 2 minutes a woman dies from complications around pregnancy or childbirth.  

And another twenty times as many women have persistent physical and mental health problems after giving birth. 

They become infertile, incontinent or depressed. 

Great midwifery can prevent a lot of hardship.

That is what midwives4mothers wants to accomplish, in a lasting way that crosses borders and generations.


At least 90% of maternal mortality is preventable!

Read our Twinning 'up North' eMagazine!

We have come to an end of our Twinning up North project between Dutch and Icelandic midwives. To celebrate and show our results to the public we have created an e-magazine.

Strong midwives, all over the world.

Midwives4mothers (m4m) links midwives from different countries and cultures to each other.

So that they can learn from each others strengths and support each other where necessary.

In a few years, they grow into a solid couple of top midwives. Together they lift their maternity care to another level.

How can you help?


Midwives4mothers (m4m) is a charity and dependent on your help.

This way you can put great care around pregnancy and birth within the reach of all women, wherever they live.


About m4m

Our charity works towards better and more respectful care for pregnant women and mothers worldwide.

Our projects are all about midwives helping each other to become midwifery leaders. On the basis of respect and reciprocity. And to thereby make all the difference for mothers and babies.

At the moment we are in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Iceland and The Netherlands.

Are you in?

Are you passionate about mothers and babies?

Do you want to contribute to a better world?

We would love to have your support!

Thank you to our partners



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